Forest bathing, also known as forest therapy or nature therapy, is a form of holistic ecotherapy that takes place in a forest to improve well-being. Next time you take a stroll in the restored forests of Brackenhurst, take a minute to calm your mind and be as still as possible while you are among the trees. Taking deep breaths while you focus on the sights, sounds, smells and the feel of the nature around you is forest bathing.
Initially introduced in the 1980s in Japan, this form of ecotherapy, was known as “Shinrin-yoku” and was created to combat burnout in the tech industry and to encourage people to appreciate and take care of the forests around them.
Benefits of forest bathing
Various studies have been conducted to showcase the number of benefits that arise from us spending time in nature. For example, the Journal of Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine published: “A comparative study of the physiological and psychological effects of forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku) on working age people with and without depressive tendencies” which found that a day-long session of forest bathing on a working age group demonstrated significant positive effects on mental health, especially in those with depressive tendencies.
This was demonstrated by a decrease in blood pressure, pulse rate and measurement of mood state. Forest bathing has also been shown to reduce stress, increase feelings of well-being, and improve blood pressure, heart health, and immune function.
Next time you are planning a conference or retreat, consider asking if your venue has been linked to improvements in education, job performance and increased production of the hormone oxytocin, which promotes bonding and social closeness! At Brackenhurst Conference and Retreat Centre we can say with confidence that our location can provide you with those additional benefits.
The beginner’s guide to forest bathing at Brackenhurst
More about Brackenhurst Forest and Garden and the Conference and Retreat Centre
We welcome you to come and immerse yourself in our forested trails and outdoor spaces. There is a small charge to visit the forest, KES 200 for adults and KES 100 for children, funds raised are used to help with the upkeep and restoration of the forest.
If you are planning a conference or retreat, you can plan a guided walk through the forest as part of your itinerary or we have a wide range of outdoor meeting venues available.
Let the forests of Brackenhurst, our amazing facilities, the green spaces around us, and the friendliness of our staff provide you with the tranquillity, rejuvenation and hospitality you need for your next conference or retreat.
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