Our green spaces are part of the precious ecosystem surrounding Brackenhurst that creates a unique environment of inspiration and connection. Engage in a natural setting and transform your conference into an experience that touches the roots of human potential.
Humanity’s relationship to forests was once viewed with reverence. Over the past century, we have learned to sacrifice our forests for rapid industrialization and short-term profit. Our connection to forests and all that they represent to us is in danger. Brackenhurst’s green spaces are designed to realign modern people with values such as regeneration, collective action, and compassion. The experiences we have in nature are vital for our future as caretakers of a beautiful, but threatened planet.
An increasing number of studies show that forests have profound effects on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Spending time in forests can:
Science suggests green spaces are some of the best places to reduce stress, communicate clearly, and develop new ideas. Based off of this research, is there any better place than a forest for conferences and retreats?
We invite you to immerse yourself in our forested trails and outdoor spaces. To find out more about Brackenhurst’s sustainability practices, click here
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Limuru-Banana Road, Limuru – Kiambu, Kenya
Phone: +254 724 256 721
+254 736 424 242
or +254 748 199 552
Email: bookings@brackenhurst.com
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Brackenhurst Conference & Retreat Centre | https://www.brackenhurst.com/